City Walk
Wednesday Walk in Makati
The city is changing in a rapidly increasing pace. Just a few years back, the site where the new buildings stand were vacant blocks enclosed with unsightly perimeter fences.
It is as though it is getting a face lift each year. And it is not done changing yet. If we leave the place and come back in a few years, it would be barely recognizable.
That's why it is becoming more important to walk around. Take time to record the architectural landscape in our minds and remember the smell that could not be captured in pictures.
📷 @powerpens Sunset behind high-rises. #wednesdaywalk #makeitmakati
📷 @powerpens That building stand on what used to be a gas station. #wednesdaywalk #makeitmakati
📷 @powerpens The iconic Yuchengco Museum in RCBC towers. #wednesdaywalk #makeitmakati
📷 @powerpens Few moments before the evening rush hour. #wednesdaywalk #makeitmakati